
Registration Renewal 2024

The committee have met with Magna Vitae to agree pool hire costs which will hopefully protect the viability of the pool during the current economic climate. The committee have agreed the membership fees for 2024 will remain unchanged from 2023 fees.

Registration Forms 2024.

Junior Membership Form (PDF)

Adult Membership Form (PDF)

Payment and fees 2024

The Swim England membership fee this year is £19.35 per member – please pay this by Bank Transfer before 31st January 2024.

The monthly Standing Order fee for 2024 is:

£16.50 per month – this is for a single member attending 1 session per week.
£15.50 per month – for 2nd, 3rd. 4th sibling attending 1 session per week.
For example, if a brother and sister have one lesson each per week the total monthly fee for both children will be £32.00 (£16.50 + £15.50).

We also give a great discount for any one member attending two sessions per week (i.e., swimming lesson + water polo), this fee is £26.50 in total per month, saving of £6.50.

The fees are spread out equally over the year (even though we do not swim during school holidays)

Our Standing Order details are Horncastle Swimming Club, LLOYDS BANK Account Number 15438168 Sort Code 30-94-39.   Please ensure you put the swimming members' membership number (e.g. "Otter987") on the Standing Order, and any other payments, as the reference.

All members will receive a membership card at their first session informing you of all swimming dates and important dates of planned events for the year ahead.

Review and update member details online

Again, as last year to avoid using paper membership forms for renewal, we are asking you to review and update member details online. This is to ensure we have up to date contact details and medical information for all our members.

Please review your online details by 31st January 2024.

Access members online accounts using this link. Club Organiser | Login

Help with Online Review

If you have any difficulty accessing your online account, please get in touch.

Cancellation Of Swimming Lessons

If, for any reason, you wish to leave the club please confirm in writing or email, for the attention of the Club Secretary and Treasurer, giving 1 months’ notice before stopping the Standing Order.

Hardship Policy

The Club is keen to be inclusive and not to exclude members if they are experiencing financial hardship. However, the Club operates on a ‘not for profit’ basis and has limited funds and high overheads that they are committed to.  The Club recognises that it is beneficial for children to become proficient swimmers and therefore need access to lessons regularly. The Committee have agreed to operate a limited Hardship Fund to help if a family is experiencing a period of financial hardship.

Requests should be made in writing to the Treasurer and will be treated in strict confidence. These will be referred to the Club Chair who will arrange for the request to be considered by themselves and 2 other committee members.  Those members offered financial assistance will be reviewed every 6 months.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Club Secretary or speak to your child’s swimming teacher.